

Oh JEEEEZ, Ivan.... You're on your way to stardom! <grinning>  Pretty soon
we'll have to PAY you for your autograph - just like the other top athletes!

Knock 'em dear, Tiger!  <BIG smile at ya>


Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Ivan M Suzman
Sent:   Sunday, September 06, 1998 12:01 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        CBS-TV appearance Sept. 8 or 9--golfing for a CURE!

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses    83   deg. F
Hi 1600 folks,

  Houston called me--I just scored 49th in raw score, in the World
Parkinson's Golf Tournament- 84 raw score was 11 better than last year's
95.  The standardized par for the tournament is 60.  After the handicap
is applied, my converted score should be in the low or
mid-60's...probably good enough for prize money, and a final position in
the top 10 or 15 competitors.

  Somerset Pharmaceuticals is the sponsor--makers of Eldepryl, which is
one of the 4 drugs I use.

  Well, word got out.   Got a phone call from the Sports News DIrector of
the local CBS-TV affiliate,  Channel 13, David Eid.  He had heard about
me, and called me at home. He plans on filming me, weather-permitting, on
Tuesday afternoon, at RIverside Golf Course here in Portland. I will be
swinging a few golf clubs for the cameras.

  It turns out, David's father has PD, his mom seems to be uneasy, and is
searching for more information..  He relates that she is not happy with
the advice  the neurologist is giving her, so I gave him information on
support groups in the Worcester, Mass. area, so that she could hook up
with more caregivers, and get the help she needs.  Worcester, Mass. area
people-please, can you help??

  David Eid seems very anxious to get the story out--and I hope other CBS
stations might pick up the story.  The bottom line for us is, Publicity,
Publicity, Publicity!  As always, I will do my best-shaking, stiffened
up, dyskinesic, or whatever.

  Gee whiz, folks, this is my THIRD TV appearance this year--two
half-hour shows on NBC Channel 6 in Jan and in April, and now this.  I
want to squeeze in sending some videotape to Oprah--can someone please
provide a confirmed surface-mail address for me?

  Nina Brown has sent Oprah a marvelous story--thank you, NIna, and
everyone sending Oprah.  I think that Larry King live, Barbara Walters,
even Jay Lenno-David Letterman, it's all helpful.

  Please wish me luck as I get ready for another TV appearance.  It
couldn't come at a better time to help to promote the Udall funding push
that we're all on!

  I called my Dad-you'll all love this--he said, "Make sure your beard
looks REALLY good!  Do you need a haircut?"  Good ol' Dad. He turned 80
three weeks ago-follows PD news like a hawk.

   Stardom seems just about a step or two away--I'm ready to receive
offers from somebody who wants to write my biography----it would be a
best-seller, believe me!  Maybe the book sales could generate 100 million
dollars for PD research and care.

Ivan 48/12