

Dear Edie,,
As it looks like Ivan's broadcast may not be for a week or two, that
brings it very close to yours.  Add to that the CCNPF Golf tournament
fundraiser in Stirling Va, on Sept 14, plus the timing of the voting on
the  senate appropriations bill, that seems like a concatination of
events. Maybe there is some way one can take advantage of all this -
maybe Ivan could represent Y.O.P on your broadcast, which, of course, we
can see here in  the DC area.  Any ideas?
Hilary Blue
PS Does the honourable golfer know  how to giggle and grin?
Edie Luther. wrote:
> The interview by Channel l3 here in the Baltimore, MD area will be held in my
> home on Monday, Sept. 28.   TV airing will be on the following Thurs. or Fre.
> We are promoting our Walk-a-Thon scheduled for October 3rd.  I need some
> input on the funding;  Will someone be our speech writer regarding the
> funding of the Udall Bill?  I don't want to leave anything out.  Barb, you can
> attend as a young pwp, but we don't have time for giggling or grinning. LOL.
> Edie