

In a message dated 9/12/98 12:05:59 PM Central Daylight Time, [log in to unmask]

   Try as we might, there is no way we can alter the fact that
 > young onset PD is still the exception rather than the rule.  So -  if we
 > going to change the public perception of a PWP to just what are we going to
 > change it.  To show a young onset PWP as the normal face of PD is even
 > further from the truth than the present stereotype.
 > Perhaps we should be looking at increasing public awareness of PD as a
 > predatory, debilitating condition which changes your life at whatever age
 > strikes.  It is the public perception that PD is not really serious that I
 > believe we need to change.
 > Dennis >>

In re: young onset PD
This is not a complaint aimed at anyone in particular, but rather an overall
evaluation of the situation.  I really like your (second ?) paragraph (above).
It tells the story.  However, even if it were very rare indeed, the young
people I have seen it take out are almost all great people.  Many of us have
the potential for doing so much more in the community.  Yet we are reduced to
fighting the government some of us would like to serve in order to get
disability income. Nobody wants us on his or her team.  There was a time in
grade school when that happened to me so I took steps to make certain it
didn't happen again.  Now here I am again.  Surely there are better ways to do
