

All I want, is a magic wand.  So I could supply some of those items!  I
remember the A+W rootbeer in the mug with a LARGE scoop of vanilla ice cream
that was NOT fat free, NOT frozen Yogurt, NOT lite taste, but REAL HEAVY SWEET
If we could get that back, I think most of the other items would be easy to
get, in comparison!  As for the Pizza Hut pizza, the last one I ate tasted
very much like a rubber doorstop, and I don't mean a Taiwan made doorstop, I
mean the kind that would hold the door while it was being kicked in by angry
FBI agents during a raid!
To be honest, I never thought "rugged" was a good quality for pizza to have!
When you eat them in Pizza Hut they are a lot more tender, and juicy.  I think
the delivery guy stops at Monica Lewinsky's house for a visit, until the pizza
cools and hardens, and THEN continues the trip! (But I could be wrong......)
Ken B