

Stress has an effect on everyone, with or without PD.  It causes us to make
mistakes, to be less effective on the job, to have accidents.  It makes us
grouchy.  It makes us sweat.  It can affect vision.  It causes headaches.  Can
anyone disagree?  Add PD to the equation  and  the effects of stress are
multiplied.  I recently heard a good analogy:  If you are in an airplane and
it falls 1000 feet, if you were flying at 30,000 feet, it's not a  problem, if
you were at 999 feet, you are in big trouble!  I think we will see a cure for
PD before we see a cure for stress!  Employers seem to have a knack for
manufacturing stress.  Has anyone here ever had to write an unnecessary
report,  or explain something to a "superior" that is so obvious it needs no
explanation?  How about not getting a raise or bonus because "money is tight"
and  then have a meeting with someone flown in "first class" and staying in a
luxury suite, to do something that could have been handled by phone, or mail?
Ever seen someone get credit for your work, while you receive "credit" for
their mistakes?  Ever been told that you may lose your job due to lack of
work, then request your vacation time and be told it is "too busy" to let you
go?  Ever had a boss with absolutely no knowledge of what you are doing, tell
you are doing it wrong?  Ever had something approved in advance,  then when
you do it, be asked who told you you could do it?  Have you ever worked
anyplace where everyone is related, but you?  How about getting "talked to"
about being late, by a few minutes, when surrounded by people who take off
sick days to go fishing, and always leave early, and  take two hour lunches?
Ever gotten paged several times and the person who pages you is constantly on
the phone, so you cannot get through?....And then be accused of not
responding?  I think I could be happy if I was retired,  as long as I was able
to pay my bills and have enough left over to travel a little.  And mostly, to
avoid the stress of having
to buy an automatic weapon and visit all my old bosses, and show them my