

I have never searched the archives (not even sure how you spell it).  Could
someone who has used it instruct me how.. and how best to come up with all
the stories posted like this one? [see below] There have been many over the
years; list members telling stories of how they have been screwed by our
"civil "servants time and time again.  Add to this the documentation, the
proof,  provided in last year's Money Magazine... i'm going to send copies
of all these posts to my congressman.  The man needs a cause.  Congress has
apparently gotten the IRS in line [as of this year they have to prove you
did something wrong. You no longer have to first prove you didn't] so why
not now try to get them interested in the SSA? [Attorney Starr is
available...]    I would like to send him as many of these posts as i can
find but i don't know how to retrieve them . Are there printed instructions
avail?  Thanks
B. Bruce Anderson (52, 4)
Schooley's Mtn., NJ
[log in to unmask]

quoting just three lines of the...

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Greulich <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, September 14, 1998 3:28 AM
Subject: Disability

My situation was different, no lawyers, just an evil power
>hungery,people destroying person (and that is being r-e-a-l-l-y nice!!!!!). hopes that no human>would ever be this evil