

Gina. ( my sister -in-law  is called  Gina - for Regina )
I can't resist this one.
We  or our human kids named the baby goats - about the first ones that I
used for the table was triplets called Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail. They
were stored in the freezer until the shock wore off. We decided to have
one - roasted whole - Came dinner time and Cecily and I crossed our fingers
and hoped for the best. The platter was brought out and there was a moment
of silence as the kids looked over the kid - then Betty (4 or so) said  "
Daddy, which one is this?"  I said I wasn't sure and that was that.
There are a number of ethnic groups that relish young goats and I generally
had little trouble selling them. Any not sold at 3-4 months went to the
Boy, the memories that are coming back.
Bob Anibal
-----Original Message-----
From: Gina Cass <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, September 15, 1998 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: Non PD: goats milk

>Hi Bob:  Oh darn you ATE KIDS?  That is terrible.  Didn't the neighbors
>notice?  Oh my, what did you do with all the outer wear?  Weren't they a
>little tough?  Some saved for special events?   How did you lure all the
>to your place?   And you took the mother's milk.  I don't understand how
>What?  What was that Ken?  Oh, Mother goats and kids. They take the milk
>the mother goat and eat the baby goats called Kids?    Never Mind.
>Dedicated to Gilda Radner.  Who knew how to laugh.