

     Congratulations on getting your letter printed - finally!  I know how frustrating it can be to wait for smething you've written to be published.  I sent an op/ed piece to the Post-Dispatch and haven't heard a word, so I doubt it will be printed in time to do any good.
     What a shame, though, that the Times didn't print your entire letter!  I assume the rest of it said saomething about writing their reps to ask for funding.  A rather important exclusion.  What dummies!



On Sun, 13 Sep 1998 09:41:13   Mary Yost wrote:
>It took me three tries, but finally I wrote a letter to the editor that was
>short enough that the LA TImes printed it.  They only lopped off a couple
>of sentences at the end.  It appeared in today's Sunday edition,
>circulation 1, 385,373.   As my dear departed mother always said, "Fools
>names and fools faces are often seen in public places."  But this fool
>hopes that some people will read it.   Here's what they printed:
>"When Janet Reno speaks, one million Americans don't listen:  we're too
>busy watching her hands.  If the tremor is bad, we fellow citizens with
>Parkinson's worry that the stress is getting to her, making her
>medications less effective.  We're  cheering her on:  "Go, Janet!  Show
>the world that people with Parkinson's can handle real work and cope with
>the daily roller coaster of slow motion vs.  uncontrollable shakes."
>Most of us hide our disability on the true assumption that few people
>understand what Parkinson's is.  This is despite the fact that the most
>recognized man in the world, Muhammad Ali, is standing up for us.
>"After a five-year, quiet, persistent, grass roots campaign for federal
>funding ,
>the Udall Bill for Parkinson's Research was passed last year.  Then
>Congress played a cruel trick:   It didn't appropriate funding for the bill
>in the budget! "
>"Mary F. Yost
>coordinator, LA Metro Young Onset Parkinson's Network"

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