

Barb, good luck at the hearing.  If I were G-d, I would have to understand the
priority.  I am sure that anything that affects health and survival has a high
priority.  If you see a lot of lightning, you might want to stop by the
Synagogue on the way to the hearing!  On a serious note, you might want to try
to get another person to drive you, or even take a cab, for two reasons, The
obvious one being, you don't seem to feel good about driving long distances,
and why take a chance?  The less obvious: what if you are seen driving by the
person (judge?) who makes the decision, or asked by him/her, how you got
there?  Being able to drive might make you appear to be less disabled, and
that could sway the decision against you.  We don't want to see no stinkin'
decision against you!  We'll be praying for you to get the maximum benefit.
Ken B