

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 13:43:52 -0500 (EST)
From: Camilla Flintermann <[log in to unmask]>
To: Barbara Patterson <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: New resource

Barb-- as I still can't reach the list, could you please fwd this?  The
neuro is the one Peter sees, and we like him very much!
As for reaching me, the return address SHOULD BE only <
[log in to unmask]>. I'm still working on it at this end.

Thanks again.
Friends on PD list: this is from the neuro whom Peter sees at the U. of
Cincinnati clinic, Dr Arif Dalvi.  He told us on our last visit that he
would be putting PD info on the NetWellness  website, and today we received
this post from him. When you access the NetWellness site, home page, click
the "search" button and type in Parkinsons.  You can also click on "ask an
expert", specify Parkinsons, and reach Dr. Dalvi to ask a specific
question.  As he is a movement disorder specialist, this may be of interest
to some who don't have access to such a neuro.  I think there should be a
link on our webring to access his page--how about it Jerry?

P.S.--due to unexplained email problems, I can read but not send to the PD
list just now.
Dr.Dalvi wrote:

>     Mrs Flintermann,   Knowing your interest in disseminating
>information on Parkinson's disease, I thought I'd let you know that I have
>set  up the section on PD through NetWellness. The url is  http://
> . You will have to  find the link titled Parkinson's
>disease there. An "Ask the expert"  link is also available.   I have put
>up a PD FAQ and articles on Tasmar  and the new dopamine agonist will soon
>follow. My ultimate goal is to set up an  electronic newsletter that will
>be responsive to the needs of persons with  Parkinson's. Any feed back
>would be appreciated.   Hope Peter is doing well.   Regards,   Arif Dalvi

>       Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 80/9 <[log in to unmask]>
>  My Home Page
>              * *****    *****    *****    *****    *****  *
>              *                                            *
>              * Knowing when to insist, and when to let be,*
>              * is,perhaps, a lifetime learning experience *
>              *                 --Mary McCurry             *
>              *                                            *
>              * *****    *****    *****    *****    *****  *