

Hi Bill:  I check labels quite a bit.  There are the strangest things in
places you never thought they would be.  Let's take alcohol, in Listerine if
you so desired you could get really loaded with that bottle.  Plax i.e. is the
same.  Toothpaste is all right.  I looked at extracts, 70% alcohol is a little
high.  I don't drink any longer and I love to check these labels.  NiteQuil
and DayQuil used to be Day time and Nite time cocktails, that's what makes you
sleep so well.  I used to give my daughter something called Actifed which
listed 80% alcohol.  I never knew until I decided I did not need all of those
cocktails in my body.  I know alcohol kills germs but it almost killed me.
Sorry, but I have devoted 10 years of my life to this.  Do you know that
homeless, drunks will consume Sterno for the alcohol.  They will drink
anything for the alcohol.  Children, young people have died from alcohol
poisoning.  This is sad that those that be stand back and do nothing.   It is
legal but to what degree.

Sorry Bill, just saw Listerine and needed to respond.
Also, my teeth are falling apart as I said earlier, 4 new cavities, 1
fractured filling and what else the tooth fairy knows.  Only she doesn't visit
me anymore.  How about you Bill?  Seen it lately (Tooth fairy)?