


I don't think I've ever NOT heard a neuro, a neurosurgeon, or a GP/Internal
Med. MD warn that stress isn't detramental to a person with Parkinson's.

I can also recall hearing that from a dermatologist (seen for the PD-related
seborrhea), a coupla-three orthopedists (the orthos I've seen for Dx and
treatment of the probable PD-related torn rotators cuffs) and two throat and
neck surgeons (the 2 that have done the PD-related  collagen injections into
my vocal cords)

In fact, as far back as I can relate to having Parkinson's, I've heard
physicians and others related fields, plus many of my fellow Parkies comment
on how devastating stress is to the Parkinson sufferer.

And I concur with them all.

Thanks... I could use some of that "good stress!" <smile>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Phil Tompkins
Sent:   Sunday, September 13, 1998 10:09 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Short-term Disability - Work - Future (fwd)

Barbara Mallut wrote:

> ...ANY job that places ANY stress on a Parkie is going to speed
> degeneration. STRESS is simply a PD-accelerator!!!

Do you know of any MDs or researchers who have said this or provided
medical evidence of it?  For example have there been comparisons over
time of PWPs in low vs. high stress occupations?  I do know that
stress amplifies symptoms, and I used to know why (something to do
with adrenoline interacting with dopamine), and I have experienced
it.  But when you get away from the stress, the symptoms seem to
return to their previous non-stress level.

> Of course, winning the lottery would ALSO stress a Parkie and prolly
> cause a heckuva lotta  symptoms. too!   I guess we could live with
> THAT kinda stress a bit easier, huh? <smile>

Well then, good stress to you!

Phil Tompkins
Hoboken NJ