

Blue Funk

Logic and reason mean nothing right now.
I want to discuss it with no one no how.
Everything’s difficult and nothing will work.
When I go out in public all I do is the jerk.
I sit and I twitch, I quiver and I cry.
I barely can lift a tissue to my eye.
Last night I slept not and today was the pits.
I feel like I’m sittin’ on a thousand one zits.
I’m sure I don’t know how my life could be worse,
unless someone arrived to pick me up in a hearse.
Of course there’s the fact that my battery’s not dead,
my sight is still good, there’s a roof over my head.
I have food to eat and water to drink.
I can still shave my face in the mirror over the sink.
My wife still loves me and sometimes at night,
I can use the computer if my timing is right.
I still have a job where I’m gainfully employed,
though sometimes the effort makes it a thing not enjoyed.
Now look what I’ve done by spouting all this gunk.
I’ve done talked myself out of a pretty blue funk.

Marvin Giles