

There are medication for heart irregularities, they could help your mother a
lot. Ask your doctor, since I am not one. If you write me off line I will
tell you more about them -names only. Nita Andres

E. W. Richards wrote:

> My father (Innsbruck) is having a LOT of trouble with his drugs and
> ANXIETY.  Any advice?  His intake of Sinemet is very low but still, if I
> try to increase it, there is trouble.  It is deeply depressing to see
> the lack of care at hospitals and from home health agencies and doctors.
> It begins to look like a sort of population control.  The general
> opinion is that my father should just be sent to a nursing home.
> Certainly he will be restrained and ignored.  YEt, here at home he
> partakes as he can, listening to things he used to enjoy and trying to
> hold on to a semblance of dignity and humanity.
> My mother, who was his cg just had a mini stroke from atrial
> fibrillation and we are sure it is stressed based.  I saw it happening
> but she would accept no help.  Even now she is fighting for freedom to
> drive and go on with life as if everything were all right.
> If he could just lose the anxiety and keep sleeping farely well......
> Suggestions?  Comments?
> JH for Innsbruck