

Just some food for thought.  I mentioned a little while back, when I got my
idea for the PD prayer day, that I had been watching the "Hour of Healing"
show, which is part of the overall Oral Robert's ministry.  Up until this
point, I was pretty much unfamiliar with the details concerning the Robert's
and ORU.   Although I still have some "new age" views on life, which I doubt
that they would necessarily agree with, I have continued to watch their show
and do believe it to be a blessing for many people.  Anyway, just last week,
they had two men call in on different nights, who claimed to have been
healed of HIV while watching the show.  One man, who was from Tulsa where
they broadcast from, had just been surfing thru the tv channels, not really
familiar with Christianity, or any religion for that matter, said that he
stopped to watch.  When he did, he felt like some sort of energy go thru
him, and a voice that said, "ok."  (many new age type healings also involve
this same sort of phenomena).  He called their show after going to his
doctor, who verified that he was no longer HIV positive.  Then, a couple
nights later, he appeared on the show to tell his story.   That took alot of
guts, I think.

In my opinion,  if people can be healed from HIV, which is, like pd,
generally considered incurable and ultimately fatal, then why can't any of
us also be?  I've always had a bit of a problem with those who insist God
give them a miracle, because God can work through everyday normal means.  I
swear tho', somedays, just having everyday things go normally is in itself a
miracle!  Anyway, as I believe (along the lines of Deepak Chopra, etc.),
that we are all co-creators with God, there's nothing wrong with expecting a
little help now and then, esp. if we are doing our best to follow our
purpose, whatever that may be.  So, I'm gonna keep watching their show and
waiting for my miracle, cuz I have alot of things I want to do, that would
be infinitely easier to do without pd.  I believe there's a reason/lesson
for everything that happens, so I will just pray that whatever it is that
I'm supposed to learn from this experience, that I can get on with it, so
that I can get beyond this point and onto bigger and better things!  I'll be
sure to let ya'll know as soon as I get it!

For anyone interested in checking out the Hour of Healing show and can't get
it in their tv, it's also broadcast weeknights via the 'net,  from their web
page.  If ya go to the ORU web page,, and take the links
that lead you to channel 53 (I guess it's their channel or something), you
can hook up with it there.

I need to do a little further research into this (maybe someone on the list
here is familiar with it), but according to Jewish tradition, every so many
years (7 maybe?), there is a year of Jubilee.  In this year, according to
what I've heard, everything that you've sowed, or that has been taken from
you, comes back to you many times over.  I honestly don't know much about
the details beyond that, but if anyone here does, I'd love to be
enlightened.  If my interpretation is correct, then I think that over this
next year, we should all hope and pray, and expect, that we will also
receive our "jubilee."

Wendy Tebay