

Meaning i am praying someone will take me under their wing for a day or 2.
I am seeing a new Movement Disorders Specialist tomorrow at a large clinic
associated with a hospital:

    He comes highly recommended
    I need some  changes badly
    I will get 20 minutes with the man every 4 months
    And, while my knowledge of  PD is 10,000% better having been a part of
this List for the past 3 1/2 years, i feel woefully inadequate compared with
so many of you when  it comes to the issues of medications, and dosages,
etc.   There has been so much info on these matters over the years that my
pea-brain method of dealing with it all has been to save what appeared to be
the more useful posts to use to prep myself for just such an event as i am
going to have tomorrow.
    So now i have a big stack of paper.
    A couple of years ago i would have had no trouble at all coming up with
a list of questions & medication suggestions for him. Now i am just feeling
    Do you suppose that someone out there who considers him or herself a
real expert on the meds could come up with list of questions for this doctor
if i provided you with a little background?
 If someone is game you might want to do this on-List as i can't be the only
one with this real problem......I could follow up tomorrow night and you
could perhaps critique the answers i get  ??
    I take 5 25/100's of Sinement/day, trying to evenly disperse 1/2 tabs
throughout the day.
2 Eldypryls, 3 1.5 mg tabs of Mirapex per day.  I have been on Mirapex since
April & it has not helped.
Before that  i was on Permax.  All that is left to try, i guess is Requip
and Tasmar (sp?).
    My main problem is mobility.  I am rapidly losing  my ability to walk.
I know i am asking a l to.  Thanks in advance.

B. Bruce Anderson (52, 4)
Schooley's Mtn., NJ
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