


My father suffered with itchy skin for some years, starting well before he
began showing neurological problems.  The GP and dermatologist were unable
to help.  He experimented with different bath soaps and lotions, and my
mother took extra care to use non-irritating detergents and to rinse the
laundry twice.

Since he began having neurological problems, the itching has been less
bothersome.  He is not on any medications, since they don't seem to help.
He also has some swelling in the affected arm and ankles/feet, but we
(doctors and I) are guessing that this is from a lack of exercise and from
letting his nearly useless arm just hang down.

This may not be of any help to you, but it's interesting that you suffer
with unexplained itchiness, too.  Also, since my Dad's problem is not
associated with medications, it may suggest that yours is not, also.  I
hope you can solve it.  It must be very irritating and frustrating!

Jane K.
(daughter of Fred, 80/1-MSA?)