

We here in Perth have been privileged to "hear" Dennis deliver that article
which was in the PDF Newsletter.  At our AGM of the Parkinson's Association
of WA earlier this year, Dennis was the guest speaker.

His delivery is every bit as moving as the article.

Dennis is now the editor of our local Newsletter and he is often asked to
speak to groups of health professionals about PD. His wife Jo also talks.

Both are always honest, always instructive and always moving.

We are lucky to have them here.

Joy Graham

>I too, was overjoyed to see Dennis' article in the APDA bulletin. It was such
>a beautiful writing, it brought tears again as it did when I read it on the
>internet. It was good to see our old friends Barbara Mallut, Dr. Fink & Dr.
>Meyer who we haven't heard from in a while. We have missed him!
>Ruth Clark 67/9