

It's not that the photos are gross, but rather that there are a gross of
them   - 144, that is - that I took at the Public Policy Forum, put on by
the Parkinson's Action Network this past June. Now they're on the Web.  So
if you have a browser, you can now view these photos along with 114 more
from 1997 and enough more from other North Texas meetings to total about
300 in all.

Just click on

The site is a little slow, but if you like people's photos, perseverance
will pay off.  Bookmark it if you'd like, and we'll try to update it from
time to time - and we'll tell you about it on the list.  Most of the people
beta testing the site have had no trouble accessing it.  If you are one of
the few exceptions, sorry.

Did I say Gross?  Not picking on you, Dolores, but if it weren't for your
picture, we'd only have 143.



 Arthur Hirsch {} [log in to unmask] {} Lewisville, TX {} 972-434-2377
 (nickname on instant mail, ICQ, and chat programs is cutterson)

   Always Remember This:  Happiness Is Right, So Choose Happiness