


You asked about the Mayo Clinic, my neuro is at Mayo -Jacksonville,FL.  He is
a specialist for Parkinson/Movement Disorders.  He is very good and spends a
good bit of time with me, but it is very hard to get an appointment and
certainly not often.  It is even hard to get them on the phone, they are so
busy.  As I live near there (about 12 miles) I thought they would be just as
convenient as any other doctor here,  I thought they would be among the first
in the know of new treatments. However, I'm not sure this was the wisest
choice as I am somewhat intimidated by them and have a lot of trouble in
talking to them,  Like you, I get so confused about my reaction to my
medicenes that I  quite inarticulate!  They sure can't help me that way!

Anyway I would like to be of help to you, but about the only advice I can give
you, is think of the specialist as your regular family doctor and explain
yourself as well as you have to us! Our medicenes are quite confusing.

Ruth Clark 67/9