

Barbara Mallut wrote:

> I don't think I've ever NOT heard a neuro, a neurosurgeon, or a
> GP/Internal Med. MD warn that stress isn't detramental to a person
> with Parkinson's. ....  In fact, as far back as I can relate to
> having Parkinson's, I've heard physicians and others related
> fields, plus many of my fellow Parkies comment on how devastating
> stress is to the Parkinson sufferer.

Yes, but that's the view from outside the brain. Since relief from
stress produces improvement of symptoms, do we know that stress
accelerates the neurodegeneration process in the substania nigra?
Is there any research on this? I know that there is research on the
bad effects of stress on the body in general, and some of it goes a
bit into neuroendocrine effects in general.

Phil Tompkins
Hoboken NJ