

Hi cutie! I'm sorry I haven't written you back before now. I've been immensely
wrapped up in my own problems (getting worse and trying to get on the list to
become the next Miss Piggy). Also trying to help my parents sell their house
in Eatonton & move back to FL.

So what on earth are you doing up in Yankee Country? I'll bet you're an
undercover spy for the Grits Brigade in the War Against Parkinson's (WAP).
Your devotion to Queen and Country should be commended (for fraternizing with
the enemy, which has hopefully been a lot of fun!)

Will be in your part of the country for 24 hours on 9/17 & 18. I'm going to
NYC for my PET Scan and MRI in preparation for the pig brain cell implant.
WIll you be someplace where I can call you? I might not get the chance... we
get in late Thursday night and leave Friday after I finish. But I'd like to
have your number just in case.

You sounded wonderful on your last email. I hope you are healthy and happy.

The Hopefully Next Miss Piggy