

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses    63   deg. F  sunny
 Dear Bill,

  Several of us are perplexed by one statement you made in your  message.
 You recommend that we do NOT contact Senator Specter.  Can you please
explain why you suggest that we do NOT contact him?

  I thought that contacts with each and every Senator should be explored
whenever possible. If I were a constituent of Senator Specter, woudln't I
want to let him know of my views about full funding of the Udall Act, so
that there is a continued PD community voice for coordinated research,
all directed to curing PD?

  Does MIchael Claeys of P.A.N. or Paul Smedburg of A.P.D.A. agree or
disagree with Bill?

 Thank you all for your opinions.  They are highly valued by our e-rmail

 Ivan Suzman 48/12

 On Tue, 15 Sep 1998 17:43:29 EDT "(Bill Turenne, Jr.)"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:



  "PLEASE DO NOT contact Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), as he is the
Chairman of the subcommittee that wrote this bill and he is one of the
strongest advocates for increased federal investment in biomedical
research in the Congress."