

In a message dated 9/16/98 12:26:38 AM Central Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<<   Don't neglect your teeth or gums, you can't get them back when they
 are gone.  Also, you don't need to suffer.  I hate getting my teeth fixed, >>

I too enjoyed a long period of great dental health..  Then I lost one of my
most used teeth (a left lower first molar).  My dentist won't even make bridge
for me .  He is afraid  I might aspirate it.  I got off my dental duff and
came up with this program
I can share:
In looking at it after writing  , it seems way more complex than I thought.
Even so, unless I try this when off or very dyskinetic, it routinely takes me
five minutes to do.

This only gets done once a day but that one time and the nighttime routine are
1 Start with an anti-plaque rinse.  Swoosh around briskly for slightly longer
than the directions call for.
2 Floss briefly.  Tie a knot in a generous piece of oversized (ribbon style)
floss and run it through all the spaces between your teeth.
3 Brush well with an anti -plaque dentifrice (that's toothpaste for you folks
in Portales)
4 Rinse well with Listerine or a similar generic.  Try to swish it between
your teeth,
5 End it by swishing around a fluoride containing gel.  you can get this over
the counter or at prescription strength from your dentist.

At nighttime: (I usually do this while off--takes about 15 minutes).
1 Floss your back teeth (again, I like the knotted extra size ribbon)
2 Brush to get rid of the obvious build up.  Your teeth should feel clean to
your tongue (dentifrice is optional.)
3 Finally, rinse again as before with Listerine.

The good one time cleaning is enough to slow plaque buildup and the other
steps help prevent cavities.  I like Listerine-not for its gosh awful taste or
burning-but because it seems capable of reducing one's oral germ load.

WHH 55/19