


That is a situation I am increasingly facing. When my meds are on of course
there is no problem. But when they are off...

The first time I faced this problem was at a Promise Keepers rally in RFK
Stadium in Washington D.C. Since I had to have a bowel movement I used a
stall. It took five minutes to have a movement, 15 minutes to wipe myself
off, and 10 minutes to get my undershorts and pants back on.

After I had been in there for about 10 minutes a voice from outside demanded
that I get a move on. In an equally loud voice I informed the person that I
was handicapped, but if he wished to expedite things he was more than
welcome to come in and help me wipe off and get re-dressed. He didn't take
me up on my offer but didn't make any more comments.

I guess that until they have unisex restrooms (like they do in some places
in Europe) the only answer is to have a same-sex caregiver.

Sinemet CR & Mirapex

* I am because I choose to be *