

Hello all!

I am new to this list, but this message is quite familiar to me.  My mother
has been diagnosed with PD since 1970 and has been living in a nursing home
since 1995.  I take her into the outside world as often as possible, but the
restroom problem certainly puts some constraints on the length of our trips
and our destinations.  I have usually decided to use the men's restroom, but
it does make my mother feel out of place so we try to avoid the situation.
The sticky-back notes to post on the door sounds like a great idea.  The
family/unisex restrooms are the best solution--the new terminal at Washington
National Airport have unisex handicapped-assisted restrooms for this purpose.
I hope architects and planners are getting the idea!

As a new list member, I'd be interested to hear from others who have had PD
for a long time or who help care for such folks.


Ben Fischler