

    I have been giving my mom two, 0.25mg per day of Mirapex and it helps her.
I then tried three of the 0.25 per day for about two weeks. It seemed to even
out her off periods better, but made her groggy.
    However, after about two weeks, she suddenly got a bronchial asthma attack
and mild pneumonia (she was wheezing when she breathed), and she had to be
     On the thought that there might be some connection between my increasing
the mirapex to three 0.25mg per day and the pneumonia, I looked at the
information sheet that comes with the drug. Sure enough I noticed that a
possible side effect of taking Mirapex is getting pneumonia. lI don't know if
the drug can cause it or makes a person more suceptible to it.
     I have no idea if it was just a coincidence that my mother got pneumonia
after she started taking the higher dose of mirapex, or if she caught the
pneumonia from another of the older women where she lives (in a senior
residence), as this bronchial condition was happening to other women in the
     Does anyone else have any experiences where they or someone they know who
was taking Mirapex developed bronchial asthma or pneumonia? I want to keep
giving my mom more Mirapex, as it helps her Parkinson, but now I'm afraid that
doing so could give her pneumonia again. Thanks for any help on this matter.