

Hi Maryanne...

I don't think that you should jump to the conclusion that your father will be
restrained and ignored in a nursing home.  My mother has been in two nursing
homes during the past year .......we moved her from Indiana to Minnesota where
she would be closer to my sister (I was in process of moving from Nebraska to
California and back during this time for my husband's sabbatical).  My Mother
has had several strokes plus dementia (Alzheimer's??)  She was wandering when
we first had her in the nursing home in Indiana, but she was given a bracelet
that set off the door alarms, so that they knew when she walked out the door.)
After several falls, she is now restricted to wheelchair use....she will not
attempt to stand.......she was falling at home prior to the nursing home, the
nursing home is not to be blamed for the falls.

In both nursing homes we were able to specify NO RESTRAINTS.......if this is
not okayed by the family, restraints cannot be used.......and this includes
lap pillows that would keep someone from getting out of a wheelchair

Although we were not pleased with the nursing home in Indiana......the one in
Minnesota is 10,000 times neither home was she ignored.  She was
warm, dry, good diet...soft food because of chewing difficulty... , she chose
not to eat.

Nursing homes are not the warehouses that we chose to label them in all
instances. Assistance is available to save the stress of caregivers.  I will
probably spend my last months in a nursing home as a Parkinson's patient.  My
sister has set up physical therapy programs in many nursing homes in Olmstead
Co. Minnesota for the Mayo Clinic......the staff can be caring.

Many patients complain about loss of freedom in a nursing home but forget that
they were often lonely and frightened in their own homes.  Had less equipment
that would help caregivers to meet their needs.......perhaps you should
investigate the nursing homes in your with the families of with the staff.....hang out in the hallways and listen to
daily activity around you.

Rita Weeks 54/9