

I'm feeling uncharacteristically humble. I've just come home from our
Ladies Luncheon Support Group meeting. When the organiser informed me
last night that the guest speaker would be someone from NIH, I thought,
Aha, here is my chance . I guess in some strange way I was wanting to
punish this unknown person because the Udall Bill was not going exactly
as planned. I Don't know what I was thinking - I guess that is one for
the psychologsts... But I knew  I was going to be ready  to GET her.
I don't know when I have been more glad to have been wrong about
something. This charming, soft-spoken well-informed research worker, a
25 year veteran of Parkinson's Research at NIH, who probably felt even
more strongly than I did how unfair the distribution of funds can be
(but she didnt say) - this charming lady gave a presentation that
covered the whole gamut of PD. She was sincere, polite, and extremly
knowledgeable. I am humbled and contrite. Of course the workers are not
to blame for  the  situation - they  want a cure just as much as we do.
And I have to thank  Marge Gillespie for reminding me  of that, and for
being able to give me , and the other ladies, so much information about
the present status of PD research, and thank  you for taking the time to
answer my personal questions.....
But I still plan to go to t he Public meeting on the 23rd!
Hilary Blue