

Dear List-family and Friends...

Please. PLEASE forgive me for not personally responding individually to each
of you who've emailed me, whether privately or on the List, before and after
yesterday's SSDI judicial hearing.  I've literally been swamped with well
wishes and other wonderfully nurturing support from y'all which has helped  SO
in keeping my emotional balance (such as it is) <smile> throughout the 14 long
months of my SSDI ordeal.

When I got home from the SSDI hearing yesterday, after posting about the
event, I planned on immediately taking a much needed nap.  However, my
neighbor brought over a "victory pizza," and HEY.. how could I turn THAT down?
<grin>  She stayed to visit for a while and then no matter how much I needed
and wanted to nap, I was unable to sleep during the afternoon.

"No biggee," I thought, "Before going to bed at nite I'll just  take a
sleeping pill and will sleep like the proverbial baby."

Well, THAT was good in theory, anyway, but in fact, my mind  just kept racing
along and sleep eventually became as elusive as a winning lottery ticket!

Due to fatigue caused by (presumably) going without any of my customary daily
PD drugs for several hours while in the stressful situation of the SSDI
hearing (ya never saw ANYONE take their meds as fast as I did after that
hearing!) AND also due to the sleepless nite, today my brain's absolutely
FRIED!   I feel like I'm moving and thinking thru jello!  And my typing is
positively a JOKE today!

So, dear friends, I'm writing a "Group thank you" to the many individuals
amongst ya who've been so very caring in your virtual support of me.  My
appreciation of your generous support goes beyond mere words.  The essence of
your collective presence at my shoulder like a solid supporting wall for me
throughout the entire proceedings.

My heartfelt thanks to you...

With love...

Barb Mallut
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