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(I made an interesting Freudian slip in spelling "talked"  ....spelled
it "taled" which is most likely  I did that also!)

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From: [log in to unmask] (Rebecca Hudson)
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 17:04:21 -0700 (PDT)
To: [log in to unmask]
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Joan Snyder wrote: "I believe that there are several types of healing:
physical, emotional,
spiritual, sexual--all kinds for all the messes that  we have wrought
upon ourselves".   I'm not sure at what point guilt and punishment came
into the discussion on healing.  Just because
some of  us have reached a point of acceptance ( for me, many times over
and over
as this thing progresses) I think there is a place for this subject for
members of the list.  Am I the only one who , when diagnosed in the
neurolgist's office and immediately taken to a room down the hall for an
EEG,  broke into tears three different times so that the technician had
to try to calm me and start over?   Am I the only one who cried Why me?
What did I do?  I  don't understand  God!   God do you hear me?!
WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE THIS MESS RIGHT?   I have noticed PD being called
a designer disease.  People are designer creatures whether one believes
in God or religion  or whatever or not.   Each of us is unique and we
may not always relate to or understand how others on the same journey as
ourselves make their way.  Some of us have a need to be filled in this
area and why not be able to feel safe bringing it to the fore?  It is
damn difficult to find persons without PD who can really truly help in
this area ,  who say things like " it's really harder on your spouse
than you because he/she has to watch you suffer'?  Or, how many times
have I heard this one in various forms:  you can do it /mind over matter
stuff?  If someone wiithout PD has no clue what you experience
physically, I doubt if that person is going to relate to the emotional
or spiritual pain or (the intellectual process for those void of these)
Can we be a bit more tolerant, patient , wholistic with each other here?
Rejection can still be labeled  DELETE
as a recent topic on this list established.  Truly,
except for a couple of responses, I found  the feedback thoughtful and
concerned, indicating
some intimate consideration gone before.  A
common problem for me is  that I "know " intellectually, but is a job to integrate these.  Yes I have taled to
counselors / psychologists, clergy  and  gues what?  Yep, I discovered
they are people without PD.   Thank you to Kathe Tollifson , who offered
herself up as a dart board a second time for at least two people on this
list, and to all who responded.
As I cool off here,  Even the negative is helpful--
I guess we're doin' what we're supposed to do.
If you deleted this, good for you--you had a choice and used the

