

hi bruce

you wrote, in part:

>...Was and am having mobility  [I keep typing nobility!] problems.
>Momentary freezing, causing stumbling, falling, etc.  Described
>this to the doc as my main, main complaint.  He feels Tasmar will
>help.  Hope to start in a couple of days...

i'm supposed to start tasmar soon too
it's violently expensive here $300 cdn per month
and is not included on my provincial drug benefit plan [yet]

as a comt inhibitor
tasmar acts by inhibiting the l-dopa-hungry comts in the bloodstream
from their greedy quest to ensure that more l-dopa
reaches the brain un-gobbled
and in a 'smoother' manner

so maybe an interesting mini experiment for you
might be to try improving your current sinemet dosage
by taking the same amount but in smaller more frequent doses

if that doesn't improve your symptoms
maybe a small overall increase of sinemet would do the trick

what doseage of sinemet are you taking now and how often?
does your mobility improve and worsen thru the day?
maybe relative to your med timing?

>The bigger problem affecting my mobility is the chronic back pain
>I have developed since May, caused [self-induced?] by bad posture
>I just slipped into [tests have ruled all else out].  Steroids and PT
>didn't work and I have now had 3 of 8 acupuncture sessions,  and so
>far - phluetfpt.  Nada. All that's  left is hypnosis, which I will try, if
>acupuncture & the rest of the PT is a bust.

the reason i'm harping on the sinemet doseage level you are at
is that when i am 'kicked out'
[my loss of benefit from sinemet is usually fast and profound
like a clock winding down to a full stop in a matter of minutes]
besides being basically 'frozen' and unable to walk
except with great difficulty and discomfort
i get intense back pains and pinches
which ease off
['melt' along with the muscle stiffness]
as soon as the sinemet benefit 'kicks in again'
when i can walk, run, jump like an almost normal person

[i do believe that this drives my cats nuts because they never know
when mom is going to metamorphize from a reliable stationary lap
to a feline-chasing-tag-playing-cat-ambushing goofball]

my neuro recommended tasmar to me
specifically because of my profound on/off response to sinemet
he feels that tasmar's best feature can be the 'smoothing out'
of the sinemet levels reaching the brain

however, in your situation this may or may not mean
that you will get the benefit of just plain More sinemet / l-dopa
which it sounds to me like you need

do you ever have dyskinesia, which would indicate an overdose of l-dopa?

and then you had the nerve to write this:
> So ve sager, hey hey pa dej.

huh? translation please.

i am not a medico
just perennially nosey about how and why our meds work

your cyber-sibling


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