

Barb Blake-Krebs said in part:

> Friends, I finally had the chance to meet Kathrynne Holden yesterday at a
> meeting of the Greater Kansas City support group, and what a pleasure it
> Coming straight from a taping of a radio show which will be aired Sat.,
> 31, at 1:30 p.m. over KKFI 90.1 FM, she was immediately called upon by
> group's leader to begin her talk.  We barely had time to say "hello" and
> So sans lunch, a beverage, or even a chance to pull out her notes, she
> for an hour, only stopping for a moment to hug Jeanette Fuhr who was
> also.  Kathrynne then talked with individuals 45 minutes, spoke for
another 20
> minutes, and again spoke with individuals for another 20-30 minutes.
Here is
> what the group leader wrote in part to Kathrynne last nite:
> <<
> You were terrific!  Knowledgable, excellent delivery, pertinent,
> and
> an excellent teacher.  You obviously want Parkinsonians to be able to
> avoid health problems that are avoidable. But first they have to
> understand how their bodies work under the additional handicap of PD.
> After you explained how their bodies worked, you explained what they
> should do and then motivated them to do it!.
> But what impressed me most about you was your caring nature.  You
> obviously  want to make the world a better place and are willing to give
> of yourself to make this happen.  Thank you so much for speaking to us
> today
> >>
> I couldn't agree more.  And I might add that Kathrynne is a walking
example of
> how good nutrition can play a role in keeping one as vigorous and
youthful as
> is possible.  What a grand lady.  Thank you Kathrynne for going the extra
> to be with us Monday.
I add my praise to the knowledgeable, caring and tremendous speaker that
Kathyrnne was at the lunch Monday.  I haven't been able to access my e-mail
for two days or I would have sent my ditto to Barb's assessment of your
well supported explanations on 9/21.  If I had had science teachers who
made the mechanisms of biology as easy to understand as KH, maybe I would
have been interested in the sciences.

Thanks Kathyrnne,

Jeanette Fuhr 47/10mo.
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