

Kathie, I don't think anyone objects to hearing accounts of healing, or
remissions of diseases, if the person actually experienced, or witnessed it
themselves.  I don't question the power of G-d, or that there are miracles.  I
also don't like to argue about who has the best religion, as we each KNOW ours
is the best, right?  This list must be a place for people to see all the
options of dealing with Parkinson's, with the most emphasis on the most
effective ones.  If 99.99% are served best by going to a neurologist and .01%
are spontaneously healed during a religious experience, we have to let people
know that.  In life we have to make judgments and decisions with the most
accurate information.  That is why it is so important for the information not
to be second hand accounts or hearsay, or even from old medical books.  We
need to use the most scientific methods to get our data.  I support prayer, G-
d, counseling, meditation, or whatever works, for PD but let us ALL be careful
not to push anything that will scare people away, fair enough?
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