

Ok folks....

PD drugs and Chinese food?
MSG response?

1.  I have not changed anti-Parkinson's drugs in several months.
2.  I ate chinese food from the deli at the new supermarket near our home at
7:30 pm
3.  By 8:45 pm I was so stiff, I could hardly rise from my comfy chair, back
pain from taunt muscles was severe enough that I snapped at my husband for
moving a cup from the kitchen cabinet to the sink.
4.  I went to bed at 9 pm because I was so uncomfortable with tight muscles
that I could not imagine where else I could begin to get comfortable.
5.  By 9:10 I must have been soundly sleeping
6.  At  10:00 pm I awakened......sweating profusely, after having just re-
experienced every nightmare I have ever had in my life so it seemed, pieced
together in fast forward.....they were not frightening this time, they went by
so quickly that I was only vaguely aware of the fact that these were struggles
that I was "watching".
7.  At 10:30 I went back to bed and slept soundly  until 6 am (the best sleep
I have had in years!!!!!)

This was an very bizarre experience..........has anyone else had a similar
response after eating chinese food?.......I drank the ice tea that I had made
earlier in the day, so beverage was not different.

I did call the supermarket and they do use MSG in the chinese food. (By the
way, my husband said it was excellent....I don't have much sense of taste

Rita Weeks 54/9
Lincoln, NE