

Dear Janice--what a treasure Sabrina must be-- it was a shock to read
her words about "my blindness", and she is indeed the daughter of a
strong mother. Thanks for sharing this beautiful paper of hers, and
give her a hug for us---

>       <bold>-----Original Message-----

>From:  </bold>Janice Morgan <<[log in to unmask]>

<bold>>To: </bold>Barry  Doyle <<[log in to unmask]>

<bold>>Date:  </bold>Thursday, September 24, 1998 4:52 PM

<bold>>Subject: </bold>a paper Sabrina  wrote for womens Literature


> Hi Barry and Eve,       I am sending a paper  Sabrina wrote she got
100% for it.                                          Janice Morgan

        Shalom and Love, Camilla

        <<[log in to unmask]>

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