

In a message dated 1998/09/26  06:13:26, you write:

<< Subj:              Medication problems-help
 Date:  1998/09/26  06:13:26
 From:  [log in to unmask] (Patricia Hewitt)

 In addition to depression I begin to have panic attacks when I go
 around people. I have not steeped out of the house except to go see a
 nuresorgon(I have 2 herinated disc). , and to see a psychaitrist.
 Seems this was a big mistake. He put me on lithobid 300 mg. twice a
 day. This is day four. It feels like I am not even taking my sinemet
 at all. Tremors are worse than I can ever remember. The whole right
 side of my body , my face, and my head is constantly tremoring. I am
 bruised from head to toe from falls. This was under control until I
 started lithobid.
 My meds:
 Sinemet 50/200 3 times a day, Tasmar 100 3 times a day
 prozac 20 mg. twice a day synthroid .50 mg. Liptor 20 mg.
 Has any one had a similar reaction? Would appreciate any advice My
 nero is out of office till monday.

 Patricia Hewitt
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hi patricia

if your pd problems were under control till you started lithobid
[and i offer you hearty congratulations on that!]
and if lithobid has been prescribed
as an attempt to work on the depression or anxiety
i would stop the lithobid immediately
or anything else that seems to be putting your pd management at risk

there are lots and lots and lots of alternative approaches
for dealing with depression and anxiety

i would chalk it up to experience and tell your doc on monday
it was a 'no go'

you might ask your pharmacist in the meantime [by telephone!]
if the drug books indicate any potential problems
for a parkie and lithobid

if lithobid is contra-indicated for a parkie
then i would have something further to tell your doc on monday!
[no wonder people give you panic attacks!]

hang in there and quit that falling!
after you beat the anxiety into submission and head happily out your front
[and you will]
it would be nice to have your normal skin colour back!

your cyber-sibling in serious silliness


my disclaimer - i am not a medico, just a nosey parkie!

janet paterson - 51/10 - almonte/ontario/canada
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