

To the several of you who requested that I keep you informed, I first
want to thank you for responding to my request for help.

Last Tuesday  I went to my surgeon to have the staples removed from my
right leg.  It had been 2 weeks since he hd removed the 3 pins (each 4"
long).  Now finally, I have almost no pain and discomfort in that area
as long as I'm careful.  The debilitating pain from the necrosis that
went on for several months had ended last spring.

My surgeon then told me that had done some reading in his medical books
and decided that I am not a candidate for hip replacement because of my
severe dyskinesia.  These movements could easily diislocate the new hip.
The risk is too great.

This means that my ability to walk will not return to any great extent.
But hey, I've been like this for 18 months now and can easily accept it.
The pain inthe future  is likely to increase and  I'll just have to deal
with that as best I can.  My reaction to what the doctor said was one of
relief and gratitude.  Now I can get my mind on other more interesting
things like the 6-game chess by snail mail that recently started.

Again ,I thank all of you who sent me email.  It's people like you that
make the burden a litle easier to carry.