

Hi Patricia:  I have taken Lithium (Eskalith) and Depakote for Bipolar Manic
Disorder, when DR thought I had PD he took me off Lithium and Depakote
alternating so I was never without one to see if they were causing the
problems.  The problems were tremors (severe at times) slow gait, a few others
that qualified me for PD.  I take Sinemet 5/100 a day and was on Permax.  I
never noticed any change in BP meds alone and BP meds with PD meds. Unless I
just so used to the lithium and Depakote that I don't realize them anymore.
But I don't have the tremors when I take my meds the way they should be,  the
side effects list out belonging to either Sinemet or Permax (recently taken
off Permax to Mirapex, swollen lower extremities.  Now swollen legs/ankles and
feet could be something else not PD meds.  It has taken a while to get the
levels of Lithium and Depakote at the correct working level.  Now, though
Lithium was decreased by 500mg so it's 1500 Lithium, 1000 Depakote, Sinemet
5/100, Mirapex down to 1mg daily, Paxil 40mg
Maybe this will help