

At 05:31 PM 9/27/98 EDT, you wrote:

Dont just take Apomirphine on your own. Have a conversation with your neuro
first. I took it as part of a study at OHSU in Portland. I took it
sublingually and it tasted so bad I could not continue with it. It did work
to smooth out my off periods. But since I went to Mirapex in concert with
Sinemet CR 50/200 I have very few off periods. Mirapex is the best thing
since sliced bread as far as i'm concerned

>Hi. My name is Joe Grano, and this is my first time writing. I jujst
ordered 5
>ampules of apomorphjine frrom Canada, and I'm scheduled to see my neurologist
>on Friday for instructions on its use.  I take one sinmet 25/100 at 7 a.m.,
>another one at 8 a.m., a 1/2 of a sinemet CR at  9a.m. alomg withj a mirapex
>(I think 1.5 mg.) a sinemet cr and an artane around 12:15, a sinemet cr
>3 or 3:15, a sinemet cr and another mirapex at around 7, and an artane around
>8.  I am generallly able to control my off periods on tihs schedule, and I
>don't have disknesias.  When I do get off periods, however, I get them
>My questions are:
>1. At the most, from the comments, I should take apomorphine just to combat
>off periods, not on a regular basis?
May Mercy, peace,and love be yours in abubdance
(Jude 2)
David L. Moreland 55/10
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