

    Now I am a nobody
       12 to14 yrs ago I lost my ability to smell. I never really thought to
 about It just figured it was from when I worked in a aluminum extrusion
 Worked there for three years and was in a lot of Sulfuric acid fumes.from
the anodizing dept. You didn’t get used to it you learned to live with it.
 About 15 yrs ago I had a left total hip replacement. at my present employer
4yrs latter I had a total right hip. 2yrs later I broke my left hip at work
.I had
it replaced. then I pulled my right loose Had it replaced . I had just got
Security Disability and disability retirement from my place of employment
I had left knee replaced. I went to the orthopedic surgeon for a check up.
asked how long I had that trimmer. I told him about three weeks. He set up a
appointment with a neuro
 The neuro said I had PD .  and had it for at least 20yrs .I never heard of
that was a decease that nobody had  .NOW  I  AM  A   NOBODY !