


I am interested in your dad, Fred, and the possible MSA diagnosis. My
mother Joyce (69/1) was recently diagnosed with SND -- striatonigral
degeneration, which is an MSA disease. She hasn't responded to Sinemet or a
number of agonists as hoped and is rapidly getting worse. Her problems are
mostly internal tremors (hardly any other tremor) and extreme slowness.
Rigidity is a big problem, too. This is making functioning difficult.
Still, she manages to work 4 hours/day (don't have any idea how), although
I don't know how much longer she can do this.

Has your dad been diagnosed with a specific MSA disease, or is it MSA in
general? My mother is seeing a doctor who is trying a drug for ALS on
patients like her, in the hope of slowing the disease.

I am interested in communicating with others with Parkinson's Plus, as
there is a whole set of problems besides those associated with PD.  Please,
if you feel like it, let me know about your dad. Perhaps we can compare
notes and help our parents. Take care and the best for your dad.

Debbie White
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