

Mary Dawn, first problem, can you get a building permit to build in the garage
in your area?  I don't know where you live, but many places will make you tear
out the whole job, if it does not meat specs for a permit.  You have a
possibly big job, if you are putting in a bathroom, it is more work.  If you
can adapt an existing bathroom with a direct entrance to the room it would be
better.  You probably need to seal the garage door, or remove it and build a
wall, maybe with an entrance to the outside?  You may have to remove existing
items from the garage?  Maybe it would be easier to buy or rent a small mobile
home and place it near the house?  Then you could get an intercom to keep tabs
on the patient.  I am no expert on this, I do a lot of home projects though,
so if you tell me more I may be able to help. [log in to unmask]