

Further to my comments on the Udall Act, I want to tell a little story
that illustrates how necessary the human angle is - even among the best
of us!

As you all know, I was hoping to be able to go to the NIH Public Meeting
tomorrow. In my search for transport, I approached someone who shall
remain nameless. Nameless because that person is a very good friend of
PD, a tireless advocate on our behalf.  Yet when I inquired if any one
coud give me a ride, after various other possiblities  proved fruitless,
the suggestion was made "Try Metro."!

Now I guess that is not a bad suggestion for  non -pwps. But for me -
well, I start off with a 3/4 mile walk, downhill, to the bus, which
comes every hour and 10 minutes.Then 1/2 hour to 45 minutes to the metro
station. Then walk across the Kiss and Ride , cross the bridge over the
tracks, and into the station itself. Across the concourse to by the
tickets. Oh dear, now through the turnstile - a formidable task. And
then, horror of horrors, an escalator, thast banein the life of any pwp.

And that  is just the first part of the journey- there is still another
train to transfer to - I believe the metro is quite close to NIH, but I
would then have to find the correct building - and all that before eight
oclock in the morning - and still remain conscious, nay alert, for the
rest of the day!

You and I know that this is a virtual impossiblilty, beyond the scope of
the average pwp. I'm sure there is someone out there who thinks he could
do it.  Not I, though; I am all too aware of my limitations (which are
increasing, it seems, on a daily basis).

I bear no grudge against this person for making this suggestion. In fact
I have much respect for someone who does not have PD who has done so
much for  us.  I merely put this anecdote forward as an example of lack
of thought, lack of education, lack of knowledge, even among those who
should know best..

 I rest my case.

Hilary Blue (49/16)

P.S.  I guess I won't be going to the