

Hello everyone,

I'm new to this list; I just found it over the weekend and have been lurking
for a bit.  I'm hoping to learn all I can about PD from people like you.
Let me briefly introduce myself.

My name is Sue; My Dad's name is Everett.  He was diagnosed with PD two
years ago.  Dad is now 76.

Dad's PD symptoms began showing up two years ago, shortly after he finished
6 months of chemo for colon cancer.  It started with hand and foot tremors
and then 3-6 months later he began to do stutter steps (that's what the
Doctor calls it).  Now, two years later, the stutter steps have gotten much
worse.  He uses a walker but I believe a wheelchair would be better for him
and hopefully protect him from falling.  (He fell on my Mom Memorial Day;
she broke her hip, but is doing well now.)

He's been seeing a nuerologist in his hometown but I've scheduled an early
October appointment with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Parkinson's
Clinic.  Dad's currently taking:

Sinemet CR 50/200          1 per day
Carbidopa/Levo 25/100      3 per day
Amantadine 100 mg          2 per day

He was also taking Mirapex 1.5 mg (3 per day) but, as of yesterday's MD
appointment, he's stopped taking Mirapex.  He was hallucinating and having
nightmares.  The Mirapex didn't seem to help his walking at all either.

I'm hoping the docs at UW-Madison will have some new ideas or different meds
for Dad to try.  I'd love to see Dad bowling in 3 weekly senior leagues
again and walking his daily 3 mile walk.

Sue - daughter of Everett 76/2