

Hello everyone,

I am new to this service and have been reading the mail for several days,
and thought I should introduce myself.

I am 50 yrs male and I was diagnosed with PD 2 years ago.  My family Dr made
the initial diagnoses and she in turn sent me to a neurologist.  I guess I
didn't want to believe what they were telling me so I went thru the Mayo
Clinic in Rochester and guess what, they told me the same thing.

My neurologist told me that I had all the classic symptoms, I had balance
and walking problems, tremor in my legs, and dystonia.  I have experienced
some memory problems and I have developed a speech problem similar to
stuttering.  Since starting on my medications, I have regained most of my
balance and I occasionally use a cane when I walk a great distance.

Since being diagnosed I am currently working with the Struther's Parkinson
Clinic in Minneapolis MN and have learned a lot about myself and the PD from

I currently take 50/200 sinemet CR five times a day, 5mg Eldepryl once a
day, 100 mg Tasmar 3 times a day, 100mg Benedryl once a day, 10mg Ambien for
sleep and 300mg Gingo Biloba to help with my memory lose and attention.

I was a Deputy Sheriff, but have retired from that position, and I still
work but now as a Crime Analyst and project manager for computer systems
related to Law Enforcement.

I am interested in reading and learning as much about PD as I possibly can.

I do when the time allows me, chat in the PD chat room at the MGH chat room
thru Harvard University.

I also have a second email address, at home, as this is my work address, my
home address is, [log in to unmask]

I am looking forward to the information exchange that I have seen here.

I almost forgot I have the best care giver that anyone could possibly ask
for, my wife Doreen, We have only been married 2 years, and she has devoted
herself to me.

As those of you who will read this, you have noticed that I ramble allot
sorry, but that is me.

I hope that I can become apart of this gathering.

Pat M