

In response to the problem Eldon Green from Florida is having with swelling, I
to am very bothered with legs and feet swelling.  My GP does not want me to
take  diaratics and his  suggestion is to stand in the swimming pool for an
hour as often as I can.  This I have done for the last several days and it
makes me feel better I believe.  This may have started about the time I
started on Mirapex and gets much worse when I fly.  He does give me a diaretic
for my trips.
                I started on TASMAR a few days ago and it may be that that compounded the
problem.    But far worse than the swelling is the terrible itching I have all
over my body.  It gets far worse at night than in the daytime and is just
getting worse.   My GP gave me a lotion (cost $49 a bottle) and that relieves
it for an hour or two.  I have a referral to the dermotoligest the first of
next and only hope he can provide a more permanent relief.         This
started maybe about the time I started Mirapex and has gotten steadily worse
about the time I started Tasmar.  My Neuro does not think it is the medication
but has an open mind about what is causing the problem.
                Has anyone else had an acute problem with itching and if so, what was your
solution?  I'd very much like to hear what helped.