

The last 4 days of SSD and "complain about this and that" postings I saved and
reviewed them at one time> WOW!!  What an eyeopener!! Took about two hours to
read and maybe 2 minutes to get over.   HOW YOU PERCEIVE your selfworth now
and how you perceived you before P.D. is evident in the way you appoach all
things in life.  The general tenor was mostly selfdirected negative
complaints--all ME and what I have coming to me!!  We are all a product now of
our past eperiences, back to the basinet--and what you want to do--you can do
and how you want to view the rest of your life will be acomposite what you
have learned from your mistakes and reinforced from your victories.

  To Clintonize this, Either a state of the union or a state of the mind will

A very brief personal history.

Age 65, diag. 15 years---at age 62, applied for normal early ret. and then
appplied for ssdi . Was awarded SSDI instead of normal SSI even tho I was
playing golf and phasing out my business over a two period.
 ADVICE???    I if you can't function at work , honstly and properly, you are
doing your emolyers, your customers ,your fellow workers, and most important
you and your family a great injustice and you should strongly consider
applying for disability.

Since retirement, I have been unbelievely busy taking care of side by side
large homes, playing some golf, working with my support group people ( a new
one grown in 9 months from 6 to 30) doing rotary international projects, a
little traveling, daily excercize---stay away from  (THE HAVE TO'S } and still
have couple of part time jobs that are fun.

SSDI, Life and your attitude to the future are only what you want them to be.

Success breeds success, happiness breeds happiness, and if you feel good about
you, it is contagious . The contrary, unfortuneatly, is the ultimate victor.

As in Parkinson medication or research, there is no answer to many
questions--only trial and error and patience will point out your proper
path---BUT there is much more room on my path.
        Camilla--AM I Right???