


I HATE to tell you this (like hell I hate to) but this California native (born
in, raised in, and still living in Los Angeles) <in one piece 'cause I learned
how to duck bullets at an early age) <grin> happens to know that your radio
was prolly installed by someone from another part of the country who'd come
out to California two weeks prior to that radio installation planning on
becoming a movie star!

They figured they'd be TEMPORARILY installing car radios till they were
discovered by a Hollywood big-shot and made it to instantaneous stardom!
(YEAH SURE!!  That's ALWAYS how it happens!) <cynical smile>

(Band plays a rousing rendition of "Hooray for Hollywood") <giggle>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of William Heitman
Sent:   Friday, September 25, 1998 12:50 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Non PD, Ken's Negativity, appropriate?

It has to be a California thing.  I remember being in LA for an unrelated
matter and paying someone( at the place where I bought it) to put a new radio
in my now old Dodge Van.  A couple of weeks later, I hit a bump and the whole
shebang fell out.  Those yokels had glued the thing in by the faceplate.  .

An inexpensive brace and a few metal screws, did the job permanently.  The
really weird thing is that it was easier to put in properly.  It was as though
they had a shoddy reputation to protect.  California has some wonderful folks,
but there definitely are some flakes and crumbs.