

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses       deg. F

On Sat, 26 Sep 1998 04:24:54 -0400 Jed Blue <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>One of our support group members has just found out that her brother
>also has PD. I promised to let her have addresses and other details of
>current genetics research projects.

Hi Hilary,

Our list archives (John Cottingham) probably have web sites.

The PDF and Rutgers University are probably two sources.

The "Human Genome Project" (NSF?) is probably relevant.

I published a paper which suggests a common genetic relationship of
diabetes and PD, perhaps on the X chromosome, in the  Massachusetts Young
Parkinson's Newsletter (Young and Restless) in the fall of  1996- Editor
is Ken Bernstein, Newton, Mass.

I found few PWP's with PD affecting a close relative, but an
extraordinarily high incidence of diabetic relatives of PWP's!  I think
17 out of 23 PWP's in Maine and nearby New Hampshire fit the model.

The Calif Parkinson's INstitute- Carole Cassidy- is another source.

JR Bruman can probably help (listmember). He posts abstracts and journal
references to our list.
Janet Paterson and Judith Richards post scientific news releases and
papers to our list.

Good luck!

Ivan 48/12